What Are The Best Types of Pianos?Pianos sold today are categorized as either vertical pianos or horizontal pianos, with the tiny spinet piano being the smallest and the full concert ...
Casablanca Piano up for Auction The iconic Warner Brother movie released in November of 1942, Casablanca, stole the hearts of moviegoers ...
Piano Brands Only The Best?Although Steinway and Sons is still one of the top pianos in the world, all of the top-selling brands deliver superior products that will all make ...
Piano Tuning Piano tuning is a process of tonal compromise that is best performed by a professional with a good “ear” and enough experience to do the ...
Overview of PianosPiano MusicJust a mention of the word piano can conjure a mixture of sounds and images in people’s ...
Play It Again Sam The small upright piano used in the 1942 Hollywood film classic “Casablanca” has recently been sold at auction for over half a million ...
Benefits to Playing an Instrument Playing a musical instrument can have infinite advantages and benefits effecting the life of the ...